The Edit Unit Dialog This dialog is used to change all attributes of any unit except for its current state. Whenever you add a new unit or change a unit, you will see this same dialog.   Here is where you associate an X-10 address with a unit name, assign icons which appear in graphic Views, select special options, and elect to assign scripts to state changes. The Name is any alpha/numeric string up to 28 characters in length. It may contain blanks, and under_score, but can not contain any quotation marks. The Address is any valid X-10 address, with house code between A and P and unit code between 1 and 16. Notice that some units such as "Daylight" do not have any address at all. These are called 'pseudo' units and are used as local variables such as counters or accumulators. Thus, if you do not assign an address to a unit, it is by definition a 'pseudo' unit which you which to use as a counter etc. The special processing options are : Use reverse logic -- Some devices such as laser beam motion sensors send an OFF command when they are triggered, and an ON when they reset. This check box tells XTension to reverse this logic so that scripts can be written using 'positive logic'. Dimmable -- This check box indicates that this unit will accept X-10 'Dim' commands, or is a 'Pseudo' unit (above). Unless this box is checked, the slider switch in the Control Panel will be grayed-out. Simulated Pre-set Dim -- this is a specially nice feature of XTension. Whenever you set up a new lamp module (standard X-10 issue), make it 'Dimmable', and you will get this option. Choose this option, and thereafter, XTension will control the behavior of the lamp. Any time you deliberately 'DIM' the lamp, XTension remembers that level as the 'Pre-set' level. Thereafter, you simply turn the lamp ON or OFF, and XTension will either Brighten the Lamp to the pre-set level or it will DIM the lamp to zero from the pre-set. Use the slider or a script to DIM/Brighten the lamp, and that becomes the new (simulated) pre-set level. Please re-read and understand this feature. It is both the most commonly used and the most bothersome to understand at first. Receive only -- This check box indicates that the unit should not be controlled by any script. XTension will record any changes received from the X-10 controller, but will not allow any script to issue commands to this unit. Icons There are three Icon selection panels in the dialog window : ON, OFF, and Minimized. The icons that you select are those that will appear when you add this unit to any graphic view. The On and Off Icons are not 'paired'. This means that you may choose an icon for the ON state which is totally different from that of the OFF state. These icons will be scaled when you choose between 'large' and 'small' icons. The Minimized icons are paired and provide a way of minimizing the size of icons in a graphic View which includes many units. This will allow you to reduce the 'visual noise' created in such situations. Here you can add custom icons to your system by pushing the 'Import' button. You will be presented by a standard file selection dialog box where you can choose any file or folder on your disk which is or contains icons. When this selection is made, XTension will find all icons in the file/folder and add them to the XTension Icons file. You can then select them in the ON/OFF icon panels. Please be careful of how you use this feature. It is possible for you to choose the entire system disk and therefore add every icon in your disk to the XTension Icon file. You don't want to do this. The ON and OFF script buttons allow you to assign scripts, edit an existing one, or remove either of them. When they are greyed out, they haven't been created. Push the ON script button for "Daylight". You should see the Edit Script dialog :